Respiratory tract or Airborne Pathogens
1.Bordettella pertussis gram negative coccobacilli which causes whooping cough
Symptoms of the disease Prolonged dry cough
Infective source inhalation of bacterium in droplets released from an infectious person
Diagnosis fluorescent antibody staining of smears from nasopharyngeal swabs and serological tests
Treatment administration of penicillin, tetracycline or chloramphenicol
Prevention Vaccination with DPT vaccine
2. Mumps virus infectious disease caused by Rubula virus
Symptoms of the disease swelling of the salivary glands, especially the parotids, and sometimes of the pancreas, ovaries, or testes
Infective source spread by direct contact, airborne droplet nuclei
Diagnosis Culture, Serology tests of IgG and IgM.
Treatment Orchitis Symptomatic relief, Prednisone 60 mg qd tapered over 7-10 days
Prevention MMR Vaccine after age 1 year
3.Rubeola virus an RNA virus of the genus Morbillivirus, family Paramyxoviridae, that causes measles in humans
Symptoms of the disease cold like symptoms, running nose, sneezing, red eyes
Infective source spread by direct contact or by airborne respiratory drop-lets.
Diagnosis distinctive clinical features and serological tests
Treatment none
Prevention vaccination
4.Rubella virus Rubella, commonly called German Measles caused by the Rubella virus
Symptoms of the disease headache, malaise, anorexia, low-grade fever.
Infective source transmitted through contact with the blood or nasopharyngeal secretions.
Diagnosis Cell cultures of the throat, blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid can confirm the virus presence.
Treatment Treatment consists of aspirin for fever and joint pain.
Prevention Immunization with live virus vaccine RA273.
5.Common cold virus minor contagious infection caused by a number of different viruses (e.g. rhinoviruses, coronaviruses).
Symptoms of the disease cold, low grade fever, body pains, running nose
Infective source droplets of the infected people, sneezing
Diagnosis distinctive clinical features
Treatment antiviral agents. Not specific
Prevention avoid contact with the infected people
6. Haemophilus influenza gram negative rod shaped, encapsulated of type b
Disease name bacterial meningitis. It causes diseases in many organ systems but usually attacks the respiratory system.
Symptoms of the disease influenzae infects the larynx, trachea, or bronchial tree, it leads to irritable cough, dyspnea, mucosal edema, and thick, purulent exudate.
Infective source Transmission occurs by direct contact with secretions or by respiratory droplets.
Diagnosis bacterial culture or latex particle agglutination.
Treatment cefotaxime and ceftriaxone are the elected antibiotics
Prevention Vaccination
7. Haemophilus aegyptius conjunctivitis causing gram negative rod shaped bacteria
Symptoms of the disease red eyes, watering of eye, low grade fever
Infective source air-borne infection
Diagnosis culture of bacteria from droplets
Treatment none
Prevention none
8.Coxiella Burnetii Q-fever causing gram negative bacterium
Symptoms of the disease fever, myalgia , headache,
Infective source inhalation of dust contaminated with bacterium from animal faeces, urine or milk
Diagnosis serological test
Treatment administration of chloramphenicol and tetracycline
Prevention vaccination and pasteurization of sheep and cow milk
9.Strepococcus pyogenes A species of gram-positive, coccoid bacteria isolated from upper respiratory tract of humans causes scarlet fever
Symptoms of the disease sore throat, swollen lymph glands, fever and headache
Infective source spread through contaminated droplets from an infected person
Diagnosis marked leukocytosis with neutrophilia and increased ESR in blood test
Treatment administration of penicillin or erythromycin
Prevention Individuals infected should be isolated and treated
10.Pneumocystis carinii (jiroveci) Pneumocytosis is caused by yeast like fungus
Symptoms of the disease fever, non-productive cough, weight loss and night sweats
Infective source respirtatory droplets
Diagnosis chest x-ray, lower arterial oxygen level,histological identification in sputum
Treatment trimethoprim,sulfmethoxazole are used
Prevention avoid close contact with infected people
11.Klebsiella pneumonia Gram-negative, capsulated, gas-producing rods associated with urinary and respiratory infections in humans.
Symptoms of the disease bacteremia, pneumonia, urinary tract infections
Infective source found in intestinal tract and it is opportunistic pathogen
Diagnosis chest x-ray, culture specimens of sputum and blood
Treatment resistant to multiple antibiotics. Treatment depends on the organ system involved.
Prevention vaccination
12.Variola virus smallpox is an acute, highly contagious infectious disease caused by the poxvirus variola.
Symptoms of the disease chills. High fever, headache, sore throat, lesions on mucous membranes of mouth, throat and respiratory tract.patient soon develops skin lesions progressing from macular stage to pustular stage
Infective source respiratory droplets or dried scales of virus-containing lesions.
Diagnosis complement fixation to detect virus or antibodies in blood, culture of variola virus.
Treatment antimicrobial therapy, symptomatic treatment of lesions with antipruritics, starting during the pustular stage.
Prevention Vaccination
13.Herpes virus varicellae ds- DNA virus which belongs to Herpes simplex virus Symptoms of the disease pruritic rash, slight fever, anorexia,
Infective source direct contact with respiratory secretions
Diagnosis based on clinical signs and serological tests
Treatment anti-itch creams, acyclovir, zovirax
Prevention immunization with varicella virus vaccine
14.Streptococcus pneumoniae gram positive cocci occurring in pairs or chains.
Symptoms of the disease pneumonia, sinusitis
Infective source respiratory droplets
Diagnosis sputum gram staining
Treatment antimicrobial therapy varies analgesic is given to relieve pleuritic chest pain
Prevention vaccination
15. Neisseria meningitides gram negative diplococci causes meningococcal meningitis
Symptoms of the disease nausea, vomiting, headache, fever, stiff neck, sleepiness
Infective source transmission through close contacts
Diagnosis lumbar puncture and serological test
Treatment ceftriaxone is generally prescribed. steroid medication is also used
Prevention immunization with meningococcal C conjugate vaccine,
16.Corynebacterium diphtheria diphtheria causing gram positive pleomorphic bacteria
Symptoms of the disease soar throat, fever, neck swelling, difficulty in swallowing
Infective source Transmission occurs person-to-person spread from the respiratory tract.
Diagnosis serological test and culture of the bacterium on specific medium
Treatment penicillin and erythromycin are generally prescribed
Prevention immunization with diptheria toxoid containing vaccine
17.Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli phylogenetically positive but stains acid fast which causes tuberculosis.
Symptoms of the disease Persistent cough, chest pain, weight loss, chills, fever
Infective source droplet nuclei produced when infected persons cough or sneeze.
Diagnosis chest X-ray, sputum test, TB skin test (Mantoux test) or purified protein derivative (PPD) test.
Treatment combination of drugs isoniazid (INH) and rifampin-6months, and pyrazinamide and ethambutol-first two months of treatment.
Prevention identifying infected individuals early especially those who run the highest risk of developing active disease and treating them
18. Mycobacterium leprae gram-Positive Asporogenous Rods, Regular, causes. leprosy (Hansens disease)
Symptoms of the disease symmetric skin lesions, nodules, plaques, thickened dermis,
Infective source respiratory droplets
Diagnosis Biopsies of skin lesions, Peripheral nerve biopsy or smears of the skin or of ulcerated mucous membranes Blood tests show increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate decreased albumin, calcium, and cholesterol levels.
Treatment Dapsone, Dapsoderm-X, clofazime and lamprene
Prevention Avoid close contacts with patients with untreated.
19.Legionella pneumophila aerobic gram-negative rod survives well in protozoa causes legionellosis
Symptoms of the disease high fever, non-productive cough, neurological manifestations, bronchopneumonia
Infective source air-borne spread from environmental reservoir
Diagnosis rapid test kit using urine to detect antigens
Treatment supportive measures and administration of erythromycin or rifampin
Prevention identification and elimination of environmental protozoans
20.Mycoplasma pneumoniae gram negative pleomorphic bacteria
Symptoms of the disease tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, fever, non-productive cough
Diagnosis chest X-ray showing infiltrates, sputum smear demonstrating acute inflammatory cells
Infective source spread involves close contact and sometimes air droplets
Treatment tetracycline or erythromycin
Prevention None
21.Toxoplasma gondii toxoplasmosis is caused by the protozoan
Symptoms of the disease swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches and pain
Infective source partly cooked meat, ingestion of contaminated cat faeces
Diagnosis polymerase chain reaction technique
Treatment clindamycin and spiramycin
Prevention avoid the contaminated drinking water and partially cooked meat
22. Aspergillus species These saprophytic molds cause aspergillosis
Symptoms of the disease
Infective source air-borne spread of conidiospores
Diagnosis chest CT, new rapid stain techniques and serum ELISA
Treatment voriconazole, amphotericin B cholesteryl sulfate complex
Prevention none.
23.Histoplasmosis capsulatum it is a fungus which causes Histoplasmosis
Symptoms of the disease respiratory symptoms, malaise and fever
Infective source contact with bird or bat droppings
Diagnosis chest x-ray
Treatment nizoral and ketoconazole
Prevention Avoid areas that may harbor the fungus.
24.Cytomegalovirus (CMV) ds-DNA virus belongs to genus of the family herpesviridae
Symptoms of the disease fever, swollen lymph glands, retinitis, pneumonitis
Diagnosis CMV antibody blood test, viral culture, quantitative antigenemia assay
Infective source The virus, a member of the herpesvirus family, is found in saliva, urine, and other bodily fluids. Because it is often found in semen as well as in cervical secretions, the virus can be spread by sexual contact it also can be easily spread by other forms of physical contact such as kissing.
Treatment None
Prevention Drainage and secretion, and pregnant women precautions, should be instituted for hospitalized patients known to be shedding CMV.
25. Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) Parvovirus B19 with single stranded DNA
Symptoms of the disease facial rash, body rash, aplastic crisis, chronic marrow suppression
Diagnosis Hematocrit and reticulocyte count in patients with aplastic crisis, Parvovirus DNA by PCR testing
Infective source respiratory droplets or blood, transplacental.
Treatment symptomatic treatment, pain relief medications.
Prevention Pregnant women should avoid contact with Parvovirus
26.RSV (Respiratory Syncytial virus) negative ss-RNA virus belongs to family paramyxoviridae cause rhinitis and laryngitis
Symptoms of the disease fever, cough, rhinitis and nasal congestion
Infective source hand contact and respiratory secretions of humans
Diagnosis directigen RSV or Test-Pack RSV rapid test kits.
Treatment inhaled ribavirin
Prevention isolation of RSV- infected individuals
27.Coccidiodes immitis Coccidioidomycosis is caused by this fungus
Symptoms of the disease rash, myalgia, malaise, flu like symptoms
Infective source generally found in soil and transmission occurs through skin
Diagnosis VDRL test, blood test, urinalysis, chest x-ray
Treatment amphotericin B, fluconazole
Prevention none
28.SARS (coronavirus) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused by virus which belongs to family coronavirus
Symptoms of the disease chills, fever, shivering, body aches, muscle aches
Infective source droplet transmission from infected people.
Diagnosis sputum gram stain and culture, chest x-ray, WBC count
Treatment oral steroids, ribavarin, oseltamivir
Prevention avoid droplet exposure and use surgical masks.
29.Hantavirus ss-RNA negative strand virus belongs to genus of the family Bunyaviridae causing Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.
Symptoms of the Disease Progressive Tachypnea, Cough productive of copious secretions
Infective source Inhalation of aerosolized rodent feces or Saliva, No identified cases of person to person transmission
Treatment Drug therapy includes vasopressors, such as dopamine or epinephrine, for hypotension. Ribavirin in aerosol form has been used for children
Diagnosis Sin Nombre Virus serologic titers
Prevention Eliminate rodent populations in and around buildings. avoid rodent exposure
30. Ebolamarbug virus A genus in the family Filoviridae consisting of several distinct species of Ebolavirus. These viruses cause outbreaks of a contagious, hemorrhagic disease (hemorrhagic fever) in humans
Infective source Infected blood, Body fluid, Body tissue
Symptoms of the disease fever, chills, myalgia, malaise, severe abdominal pain.
Treatment None
Diagnosis serological test demonstrate neutrophil leukocytosis, hypofibrinogenemia, thrombocytopenia, and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia.
Prevention Precautions to avoid contact with patients body fluidssecretions.
Symptoms of the disease Prolonged dry cough
Infective source inhalation of bacterium in droplets released from an infectious person
Diagnosis fluorescent antibody staining of smears from nasopharyngeal swabs and serological tests
Treatment administration of penicillin, tetracycline or chloramphenicol
Prevention Vaccination with DPT vaccine
2. Mumps virus infectious disease caused by Rubula virus
Symptoms of the disease swelling of the salivary glands, especially the parotids, and sometimes of the pancreas, ovaries, or testes
Infective source spread by direct contact, airborne droplet nuclei
Diagnosis Culture, Serology tests of IgG and IgM.
Treatment Orchitis Symptomatic relief, Prednisone 60 mg qd tapered over 7-10 days
Prevention MMR Vaccine after age 1 year
3.Rubeola virus an RNA virus of the genus Morbillivirus, family Paramyxoviridae, that causes measles in humans
Symptoms of the disease cold like symptoms, running nose, sneezing, red eyes
Infective source spread by direct contact or by airborne respiratory drop-lets.
Diagnosis distinctive clinical features and serological tests
Treatment none
Prevention vaccination
4.Rubella virus Rubella, commonly called German Measles caused by the Rubella virus
Symptoms of the disease headache, malaise, anorexia, low-grade fever.
Infective source transmitted through contact with the blood or nasopharyngeal secretions.
Diagnosis Cell cultures of the throat, blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid can confirm the virus presence.
Treatment Treatment consists of aspirin for fever and joint pain.
Prevention Immunization with live virus vaccine RA273.
5.Common cold virus minor contagious infection caused by a number of different viruses (e.g. rhinoviruses, coronaviruses).
Symptoms of the disease cold, low grade fever, body pains, running nose
Infective source droplets of the infected people, sneezing
Diagnosis distinctive clinical features
Treatment antiviral agents. Not specific
Prevention avoid contact with the infected people
6. Haemophilus influenza gram negative rod shaped, encapsulated of type b
Disease name bacterial meningitis. It causes diseases in many organ systems but usually attacks the respiratory system.
Symptoms of the disease influenzae infects the larynx, trachea, or bronchial tree, it leads to irritable cough, dyspnea, mucosal edema, and thick, purulent exudate.
Infective source Transmission occurs by direct contact with secretions or by respiratory droplets.
Diagnosis bacterial culture or latex particle agglutination.
Treatment cefotaxime and ceftriaxone are the elected antibiotics
Prevention Vaccination
7. Haemophilus aegyptius conjunctivitis causing gram negative rod shaped bacteria
Symptoms of the disease red eyes, watering of eye, low grade fever
Infective source air-borne infection
Diagnosis culture of bacteria from droplets
Treatment none
Prevention none
8.Coxiella Burnetii Q-fever causing gram negative bacterium
Symptoms of the disease fever, myalgia , headache,
Infective source inhalation of dust contaminated with bacterium from animal faeces, urine or milk
Diagnosis serological test
Treatment administration of chloramphenicol and tetracycline
Prevention vaccination and pasteurization of sheep and cow milk
9.Strepococcus pyogenes A species of gram-positive, coccoid bacteria isolated from upper respiratory tract of humans causes scarlet fever
Symptoms of the disease sore throat, swollen lymph glands, fever and headache
Infective source spread through contaminated droplets from an infected person
Diagnosis marked leukocytosis with neutrophilia and increased ESR in blood test
Treatment administration of penicillin or erythromycin
Prevention Individuals infected should be isolated and treated
10.Pneumocystis carinii (jiroveci) Pneumocytosis is caused by yeast like fungus
Symptoms of the disease fever, non-productive cough, weight loss and night sweats
Infective source respirtatory droplets
Diagnosis chest x-ray, lower arterial oxygen level,histological identification in sputum
Treatment trimethoprim,sulfmethoxazole are used
Prevention avoid close contact with infected people
11.Klebsiella pneumonia Gram-negative, capsulated, gas-producing rods associated with urinary and respiratory infections in humans.
Symptoms of the disease bacteremia, pneumonia, urinary tract infections
Infective source found in intestinal tract and it is opportunistic pathogen
Diagnosis chest x-ray, culture specimens of sputum and blood
Treatment resistant to multiple antibiotics. Treatment depends on the organ system involved.
Prevention vaccination
12.Variola virus smallpox is an acute, highly contagious infectious disease caused by the poxvirus variola.
Symptoms of the disease chills. High fever, headache, sore throat, lesions on mucous membranes of mouth, throat and respiratory tract.patient soon develops skin lesions progressing from macular stage to pustular stage
Infective source respiratory droplets or dried scales of virus-containing lesions.
Diagnosis complement fixation to detect virus or antibodies in blood, culture of variola virus.
Treatment antimicrobial therapy, symptomatic treatment of lesions with antipruritics, starting during the pustular stage.
Prevention Vaccination
13.Herpes virus varicellae ds- DNA virus which belongs to Herpes simplex virus Symptoms of the disease pruritic rash, slight fever, anorexia,
Infective source direct contact with respiratory secretions
Diagnosis based on clinical signs and serological tests
Treatment anti-itch creams, acyclovir, zovirax
Prevention immunization with varicella virus vaccine
14.Streptococcus pneumoniae gram positive cocci occurring in pairs or chains.
Symptoms of the disease pneumonia, sinusitis
Infective source respiratory droplets
Diagnosis sputum gram staining
Treatment antimicrobial therapy varies analgesic is given to relieve pleuritic chest pain
Prevention vaccination
15. Neisseria meningitides gram negative diplococci causes meningococcal meningitis
Symptoms of the disease nausea, vomiting, headache, fever, stiff neck, sleepiness
Infective source transmission through close contacts
Diagnosis lumbar puncture and serological test
Treatment ceftriaxone is generally prescribed. steroid medication is also used
Prevention immunization with meningococcal C conjugate vaccine,
16.Corynebacterium diphtheria diphtheria causing gram positive pleomorphic bacteria
Symptoms of the disease soar throat, fever, neck swelling, difficulty in swallowing
Infective source Transmission occurs person-to-person spread from the respiratory tract.
Diagnosis serological test and culture of the bacterium on specific medium
Treatment penicillin and erythromycin are generally prescribed
Prevention immunization with diptheria toxoid containing vaccine
17.Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli phylogenetically positive but stains acid fast which causes tuberculosis.
Symptoms of the disease Persistent cough, chest pain, weight loss, chills, fever
Infective source droplet nuclei produced when infected persons cough or sneeze.
Diagnosis chest X-ray, sputum test, TB skin test (Mantoux test) or purified protein derivative (PPD) test.
Treatment combination of drugs isoniazid (INH) and rifampin-6months, and pyrazinamide and ethambutol-first two months of treatment.
Prevention identifying infected individuals early especially those who run the highest risk of developing active disease and treating them
18. Mycobacterium leprae gram-Positive Asporogenous Rods, Regular, causes. leprosy (Hansens disease)
Symptoms of the disease symmetric skin lesions, nodules, plaques, thickened dermis,
Infective source respiratory droplets
Diagnosis Biopsies of skin lesions, Peripheral nerve biopsy or smears of the skin or of ulcerated mucous membranes Blood tests show increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate decreased albumin, calcium, and cholesterol levels.
Treatment Dapsone, Dapsoderm-X, clofazime and lamprene
Prevention Avoid close contacts with patients with untreated.
19.Legionella pneumophila aerobic gram-negative rod survives well in protozoa causes legionellosis
Symptoms of the disease high fever, non-productive cough, neurological manifestations, bronchopneumonia
Infective source air-borne spread from environmental reservoir
Diagnosis rapid test kit using urine to detect antigens
Treatment supportive measures and administration of erythromycin or rifampin
Prevention identification and elimination of environmental protozoans
20.Mycoplasma pneumoniae gram negative pleomorphic bacteria
Symptoms of the disease tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, fever, non-productive cough
Diagnosis chest X-ray showing infiltrates, sputum smear demonstrating acute inflammatory cells
Infective source spread involves close contact and sometimes air droplets
Treatment tetracycline or erythromycin
Prevention None
21.Toxoplasma gondii toxoplasmosis is caused by the protozoan
Symptoms of the disease swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches and pain
Infective source partly cooked meat, ingestion of contaminated cat faeces
Diagnosis polymerase chain reaction technique
Treatment clindamycin and spiramycin
Prevention avoid the contaminated drinking water and partially cooked meat
22. Aspergillus species These saprophytic molds cause aspergillosis
Symptoms of the disease
Infective source air-borne spread of conidiospores
Diagnosis chest CT, new rapid stain techniques and serum ELISA
Treatment voriconazole, amphotericin B cholesteryl sulfate complex
Prevention none.
23.Histoplasmosis capsulatum it is a fungus which causes Histoplasmosis
Symptoms of the disease respiratory symptoms, malaise and fever
Infective source contact with bird or bat droppings
Diagnosis chest x-ray
Treatment nizoral and ketoconazole
Prevention Avoid areas that may harbor the fungus.
24.Cytomegalovirus (CMV) ds-DNA virus belongs to genus of the family herpesviridae
Symptoms of the disease fever, swollen lymph glands, retinitis, pneumonitis
Diagnosis CMV antibody blood test, viral culture, quantitative antigenemia assay
Infective source The virus, a member of the herpesvirus family, is found in saliva, urine, and other bodily fluids. Because it is often found in semen as well as in cervical secretions, the virus can be spread by sexual contact it also can be easily spread by other forms of physical contact such as kissing.
Treatment None
Prevention Drainage and secretion, and pregnant women precautions, should be instituted for hospitalized patients known to be shedding CMV.
25. Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) Parvovirus B19 with single stranded DNA
Symptoms of the disease facial rash, body rash, aplastic crisis, chronic marrow suppression
Diagnosis Hematocrit and reticulocyte count in patients with aplastic crisis, Parvovirus DNA by PCR testing
Infective source respiratory droplets or blood, transplacental.
Treatment symptomatic treatment, pain relief medications.
Prevention Pregnant women should avoid contact with Parvovirus
26.RSV (Respiratory Syncytial virus) negative ss-RNA virus belongs to family paramyxoviridae cause rhinitis and laryngitis
Symptoms of the disease fever, cough, rhinitis and nasal congestion
Infective source hand contact and respiratory secretions of humans
Diagnosis directigen RSV or Test-Pack RSV rapid test kits.
Treatment inhaled ribavirin
Prevention isolation of RSV- infected individuals
27.Coccidiodes immitis Coccidioidomycosis is caused by this fungus
Symptoms of the disease rash, myalgia, malaise, flu like symptoms
Infective source generally found in soil and transmission occurs through skin
Diagnosis VDRL test, blood test, urinalysis, chest x-ray
Treatment amphotericin B, fluconazole
Prevention none
28.SARS (coronavirus) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused by virus which belongs to family coronavirus
Symptoms of the disease chills, fever, shivering, body aches, muscle aches
Infective source droplet transmission from infected people.
Diagnosis sputum gram stain and culture, chest x-ray, WBC count
Treatment oral steroids, ribavarin, oseltamivir
Prevention avoid droplet exposure and use surgical masks.
29.Hantavirus ss-RNA negative strand virus belongs to genus of the family Bunyaviridae causing Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.
Symptoms of the Disease Progressive Tachypnea, Cough productive of copious secretions
Infective source Inhalation of aerosolized rodent feces or Saliva, No identified cases of person to person transmission
Treatment Drug therapy includes vasopressors, such as dopamine or epinephrine, for hypotension. Ribavirin in aerosol form has been used for children
Diagnosis Sin Nombre Virus serologic titers
Prevention Eliminate rodent populations in and around buildings. avoid rodent exposure
30. Ebolamarbug virus A genus in the family Filoviridae consisting of several distinct species of Ebolavirus. These viruses cause outbreaks of a contagious, hemorrhagic disease (hemorrhagic fever) in humans
Infective source Infected blood, Body fluid, Body tissue
Symptoms of the disease fever, chills, myalgia, malaise, severe abdominal pain.
Treatment None
Diagnosis serological test demonstrate neutrophil leukocytosis, hypofibrinogenemia, thrombocytopenia, and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia.
Prevention Precautions to avoid contact with patients body fluidssecretions.
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