Sociological Effects of Environmental Changes
The issues concerning climate changes are pressing and immediate. Different issues concerning climate changes have been depicted on films like 2012 and The Day After Tomorrow. As scary and remote as they may seem, these films have effectively shown the possibilities the Earth may be encountering if the environment continues to be ignored and exploited.
The reduction of animal and plant species is an issue that has been discussed even years ago. The effects of these in the human population are minimal. In fact, the concern poured onto the preservation and propagation of endangered species is merely for genuine concern to the environment. This may be the reason a few heads can still manage to turn their heads and walk away when issues about endangered species start to be discussed. After all, humans would usually think whats in it for them if issues like these are discussed.
This brings us to the more pressing issue of saving the environment and convincing everyone that the effects of such would result into a global chain of untoward events. It is good to know that the Earth maintains its own processes to keep itself in equilibrium. When most people think super typhoons and powerful weather disturbances are a part of Mother Natures wrath, for her, it is just an attempt for self-preservation. In fact, a study conducted by the Ohio State University, the earth is pouring large amounts of rainwater to bury tons of Carbon in the Ocean, as published in Newswise (Ohio State University, 2008). How do you educate people on these types of incidents There could be lots of changes one can experience every day. But, how do you make a simple farmer, or a house wife, or an individual below the poverty line appreciate these types of environmental changes How do you educate them to become more responsible citizens of the world
We can study all day long about the preservation of the planet. It is nice to know that different institutions around the world are starting to become more conscious about climate changes and are becoming aware of the consequences of their actions. The main challenge most of us could be facing right now is the fact that these changes are mostly affected by the simple laborers whose daily activities are contributing to pollution. How do we make them change their ways when we know for a fact that these activities could be the only source of income they know to do
One study in Latin America shows that particularly vulnerable to these adaptive capacity to environmental hazards impacts are the urban poor in Latin America and the Carribean, (Winchester Szalachman, 2009). Educating the poor and the other marginalized sectors are key to the global campaign against environmental conservation. The people, who are financially-challenged, are the same individuals who will feel the impact of climate changes (Winchester Szalachman, 2009). How do you make these people aware of the possible effects of climate change to them How do governments around the world protect the marginalized sectors from these effects
One alternative to this challenge would be the re-orientation of the poors activities from environmentally-degrading and low-profit yielding activities into activities that advocate sustainable development. One study shows that a good alternative to address urban poor livelihood concerns is an initiative called urban farming. Urban agriculture showed to have social, environmental, and educational benefits to citizens (Yilmaz, 2009). While there are continuous efforts from different government institutions regarding these concerns, most appear to be exclusive from each other and results into conflicting micro efforts (Mehrotta, Natenzon, Omojola, Folorunsho, Gilbride, Rosenzweig, 2009).
World Population, Consumption, and Waste
Supply is being Outpaced by Demand
For developing countries, the climate changes have affected projections of their populations demands as well. In the Asian regions, for example, a climate and weather forecasting institution projects that the demands for potable water has been affected not only by the increase in demand (due to increase in population) but by different environmental factors, too. While it does, the supply is tremendously unpredictable as the precipitation remains to be uncertain (Jose Cruz, 1999). Amidst uncertainties, the institution is anticipating a decrease in the supply of water resources. How is the world preparing for these types of challenges
A more comprehensive report was laid out in California by a team of researchers who anticipated the demands of the state and run it against the data they have for climate change effects. One of their findings shows that the Central valley will run out of water for irrigation and will thereby affect supply (Science Daily, 2009). Other effects revealed were about the ecosystem, electricity, and wildlife all of which show negative effects in the coming years.
World Population Projections
I believe it does not take a genius for us to realize that the world population is continuously growing. The sad part is, the nations who are underdeveloped appear to be the countries that produce the most number of people over the coming years, according to scholarly projections (United Nations, 2004). This will give them a hard time in making sure that all individuals are equally given opportunities to survive and be fed. As the population increases, the demand is surely to increase, too. This means more mouths need to be fed and more individuals would need healthcare and support from institutions. The effect of population increase will surely impact the earths carrying capacity and will eventually end-up exploiting almost all of the possible resources on the planet. With the projections reaching as much as 9 billion people in 2043 (from 6 billion in 1999), one can only imagine how used-up the resources would be on the planet (United Nations, 2001).
Global Waste Management Efforts
Waste is another issue that the world is facing. Waste is directly proportional to population growth (United Nations, 2001). With an insurmountable amount of waste being disposed by different human activities everyday, one cannot help but think of the need to invoke the lessons from sustainable development and put them into play. Some alternatives that are being considered by some countries are considering these wastes to be fuels for energy production. According to a study, about 130 million tons of municipal solid wastes (MSW) are being used as fuel to produce electricity and generate heating while the rest are considered for recycling (Themelis, 2003).
In Europe, land filling of combustible materials is no longer a waste management option (Themelis, 2003). More and more countries are joining this cause and are seriously investing in technologies that follow the waste-to-energy ideology. This will somehow help in the reduction of waste and consumption of fossil fuels that bring harm to the environment.
Climate Changes and its Effect on the Human Population
Outlook is apparently not positive for the coming years. It may be nice to know what the possible effects of climate changes are. Same things were discussed and mentioned in the course throughout the term. However, I have found some interesting articles regarding the future effects of climate change that will impact the human population greatly. If the films are showing what appear to be surreal effects of climate change, here are some of the most remote effects of such.
The Precursors of Future Disasters Global Warming
The most known effect of global environment degradation is global warming. It may all start here. The global rise in temperature may be the most devastating precursor of all the scary pictures we see on movies. The increase in temperature may lead to the melting of polar ice caps and will thereby increase the amount of saltwater worldwide. Just get everything in the picture and you will understand the next effects. The effects are immense and the impact on global biota is huge. It may take thousands of years before such can be repaired and brought back to normal. There are some studies that show immediate effects of global warming, too.
Climate changes will not only have impact on the atmosphere but on the soil as well (Rosenzweig Liverman, 1992). The effect on global agriculture will be immense and will greatly impact the supply of products that are consumed by humans. It will have great effect on biota as well since global vegetation will be affected, too. As proposed by several studies, plant breeders should probably place even more emphasis on development of heat- and drought-resistant crops (Rosenzweig Liverman, 1992). This is all in lieu of the predicted and scientifically proven and monitored increase in global temperature that will have great adverse effects on agriculture.
The Least Contributing Population is the Most Vulnerable to Climate Changes
As what was mentioned earlier, the most affected by global climate changes are the poor and marginalized. This is somewhat the same in assessing what countries and regions will be affected greatly by climate changes. Though the geographical regions will be affected a lot, most studies are concerned that the poorest among the poor on these countries will have the most difficult time surviving at all (The World Bank, 2009). The crop yields may go as low as 30. If the supply goes down, surely, the most affected would be the ones who will not be able to afford the increase in the price of supply the poor. What efforts are being done, then to assist the global poor population in making sure that they are able to survive this feat
In the earlier discussion, it was mentioned that there were efforts being done by local governments and institutions to assist in this issue. Let us take a look at the other projects, from a global perspective that can be emulated by different institutions worldwide.
Global Initiatives to Assist Developing Nations
There is only so much a poor nation can do in order to cope with climate change. The effects are immediate and the only thing left for them left to do is to enable them to have technology that will enable them to keep up with the changes. Some global organizations have answered this call. The United Nations spearheaded fund-raising efforts to enable these small-income countries acquire technologies that will allow them to prepare their population to prepare for the worse. These initiatives include making factories and other firms to pay fines for their polluting activities (Oxfam GB, 2008).
While studies show that people living in poverty in developing countries are the least responsible for the climate crisis (OxFam Canada, the Pembina Institute, Oxfam Quebec, 2009), they are the most susceptible to the effects of climate changes. Some of the effects of global warming include hunger, health, labour, disasters, water, migration, and conflict (OxFam Canada, the Pembina Institute, Oxfam Quebec, 2009). The most concerning of all these effects are hunger, health, and water. These three things are the most alarming of all factors as these are a part of the basic needs a man needs in order to survive.
Endangered Species Biodiversity at Risk
We are not the only occupants in this planet. This is one thing that most people should realize. There are over billions of organisms on this planet fighting for survival. While some of them are being lost due to natural selection, some of them are being lost to human activities. This is one fact that we cannot deny We (men) are the only responsible entities for bringing an imbalance to the ecosystem. Now, we are having a hard time resolving all of the consequences we have brought into play.
How Mankind Disrupts Biodiversity
As more humans are consistently violating the rights of other species to live and survive, the only ones left on earth are the ones that will be able to come across the challenges. However, since mankind is making it all difficult for all living things to survive, wouldnt it be possible for mankind to make possible for only the most ferocious beasts to remain on earth Since we are hunting the most innocent and most vulnerable animals, arent we possibly retaining the only ones that we cannot harm This is a possibility. As we single out the most vulnerable ones, the only ones that remain are those that are able to battle through adversities that mankind introduces. The only ones that remain are those that will be able to survive global warming, drought, hunting, mankind isolation, improper urbanization and other activities that disrupt ecology can you image how ugly this beast could be
It is a known fact that humans affect biodiversity across different levels. Human activities cause massive impacts as these continue to disrupt and affect local species routines. Possible effects include loss of habitat, disruption of communities, species extinction, and environmental pollution (Templeton, Robertson, Brisson, Strasburg, 2001). As long as we are not conscious of these, we will continue to be the major player in environmental degradation.
Are policies working to save the endangered from extinction
Has there been proof that the Endangered Species Act has primarily helped in the conservation of species Long after it has been enacted, several attempts to propagate wildlife have been launched worldwide. Have they been successful
In the context of propagating endangered species, it can be said that the act has been a success. Most species listed as endangered were noticed to be increasing in count over the years (Bean, 2005). However, if you are to take carefully at the results of these propagation efforts, one will certainly notice a stagnant improvement of a species removal from the endangered list. According to Bean, almost all of the endangered species are still endangered (Bean, 2005). Though they are increasing in number, their population remains vulnerable and prone to extinction.
One important lesson that we can learn from these conservation efforts is to learn to avoid cramming. Just like a student struggling to finish his homework hours before the deadline, institutions seem to be waiting for a species to near extinction before putting words into action (Bean, 2005). If the threats posed against the species are serious, then the conservation efforts need to be holistic and preventive. We cannot afford to pay attention to species that are nearing extinction only. We need to focus on saving all species, if possible.
The images may seem remote but if the issues concerning the environment is not answered at the soonest, we need to prepare for a disaster that mankind has never seen his entire existence. Ranging from the most ferocious beast, to the drying up of resources, even up to the struggle for a safe place to live in these scenarios could be the issues man will have to live with if environmental issues are not taken seriously by all men.
The reduction of animal and plant species is an issue that has been discussed even years ago. The effects of these in the human population are minimal. In fact, the concern poured onto the preservation and propagation of endangered species is merely for genuine concern to the environment. This may be the reason a few heads can still manage to turn their heads and walk away when issues about endangered species start to be discussed. After all, humans would usually think whats in it for them if issues like these are discussed.
This brings us to the more pressing issue of saving the environment and convincing everyone that the effects of such would result into a global chain of untoward events. It is good to know that the Earth maintains its own processes to keep itself in equilibrium. When most people think super typhoons and powerful weather disturbances are a part of Mother Natures wrath, for her, it is just an attempt for self-preservation. In fact, a study conducted by the Ohio State University, the earth is pouring large amounts of rainwater to bury tons of Carbon in the Ocean, as published in Newswise (Ohio State University, 2008). How do you educate people on these types of incidents There could be lots of changes one can experience every day. But, how do you make a simple farmer, or a house wife, or an individual below the poverty line appreciate these types of environmental changes How do you educate them to become more responsible citizens of the world
We can study all day long about the preservation of the planet. It is nice to know that different institutions around the world are starting to become more conscious about climate changes and are becoming aware of the consequences of their actions. The main challenge most of us could be facing right now is the fact that these changes are mostly affected by the simple laborers whose daily activities are contributing to pollution. How do we make them change their ways when we know for a fact that these activities could be the only source of income they know to do
One study in Latin America shows that particularly vulnerable to these adaptive capacity to environmental hazards impacts are the urban poor in Latin America and the Carribean, (Winchester Szalachman, 2009). Educating the poor and the other marginalized sectors are key to the global campaign against environmental conservation. The people, who are financially-challenged, are the same individuals who will feel the impact of climate changes (Winchester Szalachman, 2009). How do you make these people aware of the possible effects of climate change to them How do governments around the world protect the marginalized sectors from these effects
One alternative to this challenge would be the re-orientation of the poors activities from environmentally-degrading and low-profit yielding activities into activities that advocate sustainable development. One study shows that a good alternative to address urban poor livelihood concerns is an initiative called urban farming. Urban agriculture showed to have social, environmental, and educational benefits to citizens (Yilmaz, 2009). While there are continuous efforts from different government institutions regarding these concerns, most appear to be exclusive from each other and results into conflicting micro efforts (Mehrotta, Natenzon, Omojola, Folorunsho, Gilbride, Rosenzweig, 2009).
World Population, Consumption, and Waste
Supply is being Outpaced by Demand
For developing countries, the climate changes have affected projections of their populations demands as well. In the Asian regions, for example, a climate and weather forecasting institution projects that the demands for potable water has been affected not only by the increase in demand (due to increase in population) but by different environmental factors, too. While it does, the supply is tremendously unpredictable as the precipitation remains to be uncertain (Jose Cruz, 1999). Amidst uncertainties, the institution is anticipating a decrease in the supply of water resources. How is the world preparing for these types of challenges
A more comprehensive report was laid out in California by a team of researchers who anticipated the demands of the state and run it against the data they have for climate change effects. One of their findings shows that the Central valley will run out of water for irrigation and will thereby affect supply (Science Daily, 2009). Other effects revealed were about the ecosystem, electricity, and wildlife all of which show negative effects in the coming years.
World Population Projections
I believe it does not take a genius for us to realize that the world population is continuously growing. The sad part is, the nations who are underdeveloped appear to be the countries that produce the most number of people over the coming years, according to scholarly projections (United Nations, 2004). This will give them a hard time in making sure that all individuals are equally given opportunities to survive and be fed. As the population increases, the demand is surely to increase, too. This means more mouths need to be fed and more individuals would need healthcare and support from institutions. The effect of population increase will surely impact the earths carrying capacity and will eventually end-up exploiting almost all of the possible resources on the planet. With the projections reaching as much as 9 billion people in 2043 (from 6 billion in 1999), one can only imagine how used-up the resources would be on the planet (United Nations, 2001).
Global Waste Management Efforts
Waste is another issue that the world is facing. Waste is directly proportional to population growth (United Nations, 2001). With an insurmountable amount of waste being disposed by different human activities everyday, one cannot help but think of the need to invoke the lessons from sustainable development and put them into play. Some alternatives that are being considered by some countries are considering these wastes to be fuels for energy production. According to a study, about 130 million tons of municipal solid wastes (MSW) are being used as fuel to produce electricity and generate heating while the rest are considered for recycling (Themelis, 2003).
In Europe, land filling of combustible materials is no longer a waste management option (Themelis, 2003). More and more countries are joining this cause and are seriously investing in technologies that follow the waste-to-energy ideology. This will somehow help in the reduction of waste and consumption of fossil fuels that bring harm to the environment.
Climate Changes and its Effect on the Human Population
Outlook is apparently not positive for the coming years. It may be nice to know what the possible effects of climate changes are. Same things were discussed and mentioned in the course throughout the term. However, I have found some interesting articles regarding the future effects of climate change that will impact the human population greatly. If the films are showing what appear to be surreal effects of climate change, here are some of the most remote effects of such.
The Precursors of Future Disasters Global Warming
The most known effect of global environment degradation is global warming. It may all start here. The global rise in temperature may be the most devastating precursor of all the scary pictures we see on movies. The increase in temperature may lead to the melting of polar ice caps and will thereby increase the amount of saltwater worldwide. Just get everything in the picture and you will understand the next effects. The effects are immense and the impact on global biota is huge. It may take thousands of years before such can be repaired and brought back to normal. There are some studies that show immediate effects of global warming, too.
Climate changes will not only have impact on the atmosphere but on the soil as well (Rosenzweig Liverman, 1992). The effect on global agriculture will be immense and will greatly impact the supply of products that are consumed by humans. It will have great effect on biota as well since global vegetation will be affected, too. As proposed by several studies, plant breeders should probably place even more emphasis on development of heat- and drought-resistant crops (Rosenzweig Liverman, 1992). This is all in lieu of the predicted and scientifically proven and monitored increase in global temperature that will have great adverse effects on agriculture.
The Least Contributing Population is the Most Vulnerable to Climate Changes
As what was mentioned earlier, the most affected by global climate changes are the poor and marginalized. This is somewhat the same in assessing what countries and regions will be affected greatly by climate changes. Though the geographical regions will be affected a lot, most studies are concerned that the poorest among the poor on these countries will have the most difficult time surviving at all (The World Bank, 2009). The crop yields may go as low as 30. If the supply goes down, surely, the most affected would be the ones who will not be able to afford the increase in the price of supply the poor. What efforts are being done, then to assist the global poor population in making sure that they are able to survive this feat
In the earlier discussion, it was mentioned that there were efforts being done by local governments and institutions to assist in this issue. Let us take a look at the other projects, from a global perspective that can be emulated by different institutions worldwide.
Global Initiatives to Assist Developing Nations
There is only so much a poor nation can do in order to cope with climate change. The effects are immediate and the only thing left for them left to do is to enable them to have technology that will enable them to keep up with the changes. Some global organizations have answered this call. The United Nations spearheaded fund-raising efforts to enable these small-income countries acquire technologies that will allow them to prepare their population to prepare for the worse. These initiatives include making factories and other firms to pay fines for their polluting activities (Oxfam GB, 2008).
While studies show that people living in poverty in developing countries are the least responsible for the climate crisis (OxFam Canada, the Pembina Institute, Oxfam Quebec, 2009), they are the most susceptible to the effects of climate changes. Some of the effects of global warming include hunger, health, labour, disasters, water, migration, and conflict (OxFam Canada, the Pembina Institute, Oxfam Quebec, 2009). The most concerning of all these effects are hunger, health, and water. These three things are the most alarming of all factors as these are a part of the basic needs a man needs in order to survive.
Endangered Species Biodiversity at Risk
We are not the only occupants in this planet. This is one thing that most people should realize. There are over billions of organisms on this planet fighting for survival. While some of them are being lost due to natural selection, some of them are being lost to human activities. This is one fact that we cannot deny We (men) are the only responsible entities for bringing an imbalance to the ecosystem. Now, we are having a hard time resolving all of the consequences we have brought into play.
How Mankind Disrupts Biodiversity
As more humans are consistently violating the rights of other species to live and survive, the only ones left on earth are the ones that will be able to come across the challenges. However, since mankind is making it all difficult for all living things to survive, wouldnt it be possible for mankind to make possible for only the most ferocious beasts to remain on earth Since we are hunting the most innocent and most vulnerable animals, arent we possibly retaining the only ones that we cannot harm This is a possibility. As we single out the most vulnerable ones, the only ones that remain are those that are able to battle through adversities that mankind introduces. The only ones that remain are those that will be able to survive global warming, drought, hunting, mankind isolation, improper urbanization and other activities that disrupt ecology can you image how ugly this beast could be
It is a known fact that humans affect biodiversity across different levels. Human activities cause massive impacts as these continue to disrupt and affect local species routines. Possible effects include loss of habitat, disruption of communities, species extinction, and environmental pollution (Templeton, Robertson, Brisson, Strasburg, 2001). As long as we are not conscious of these, we will continue to be the major player in environmental degradation.
Are policies working to save the endangered from extinction
Has there been proof that the Endangered Species Act has primarily helped in the conservation of species Long after it has been enacted, several attempts to propagate wildlife have been launched worldwide. Have they been successful
In the context of propagating endangered species, it can be said that the act has been a success. Most species listed as endangered were noticed to be increasing in count over the years (Bean, 2005). However, if you are to take carefully at the results of these propagation efforts, one will certainly notice a stagnant improvement of a species removal from the endangered list. According to Bean, almost all of the endangered species are still endangered (Bean, 2005). Though they are increasing in number, their population remains vulnerable and prone to extinction.
One important lesson that we can learn from these conservation efforts is to learn to avoid cramming. Just like a student struggling to finish his homework hours before the deadline, institutions seem to be waiting for a species to near extinction before putting words into action (Bean, 2005). If the threats posed against the species are serious, then the conservation efforts need to be holistic and preventive. We cannot afford to pay attention to species that are nearing extinction only. We need to focus on saving all species, if possible.
The images may seem remote but if the issues concerning the environment is not answered at the soonest, we need to prepare for a disaster that mankind has never seen his entire existence. Ranging from the most ferocious beast, to the drying up of resources, even up to the struggle for a safe place to live in these scenarios could be the issues man will have to live with if environmental issues are not taken seriously by all men.
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