Scientist Louis Pasteur.
Scientist Louis Pasteur is indeed one of the greatest benefactors of humanity (Bellis). He has been praised by many for his many discoveries in the biological and chemistry world. Among is many contributions to chemist include is break through to resolve the traditional mysteries that were marked with rabies, anthrax and chicken cholera as well as silkworm diseases. It is evidently in historical records that scientist Louis Pasteur was a major contributor to the development of vaccines for these diseases which were a major threat to the human community during this time (Rhee). Still claimed by available evidence is that scientist Louis Pasteur was the first to satisfactorily proof the common traditional myth of having spontaneous human generation. It is to be noted here this myth was a major drawback to biological and biochemical research in the community. It has in fact been claimed by many that such negation of the myth is what laid the basis for our modern biological and biochemical research and discoveries (Famous Scientists). It is also to be noted that scientist Louis Pasteur is rightly thanked for other many explanation on different traditional practices in the human society. He was the first person to give scientific explanations for fermentation and brewing of beer as well as explaining the science behind wine making (Lurquin 56). Due to these great works by scientist Louis Pasteur, his work has led to the establishment of most of the modern branches of science. It is also evidently clear to the letter that such great works have been claimed the origin for most of the scientific principles and theories used in the modern research community.
This paper is written as a discussion on scientist Louis Pasteur and his achievements in the biological and biochemical science world.
The first subtitle gives a brief discussion on the life of Louis Pasteur and how he managed to realized his many scientific discoveries.
The second subtitle is a discussion of Louis Pasteur great works of discovery. Discussed her include the germ theory, the theory of polarization of light in tartaric acid and the reason behind fermentation as well as Pasteur Effect.
Subtitle three deals with Pasteur involvement and achievements in the research for immunology and vaccination.
These is followed by subtitle five which talks about how Pasteur discoveries helped in shaping our modern scientific research then the author gives a conclusion which is a brief summary of the whole paper.
Scientist Louis Pasteur
Scientist Louis Pasteur was born in Dole France on the 27th day of December the year 1822 the only son in his family (Lamont). It is claimed in historical records that he was born to a poor tanners family but still managed to get a degree in letters and mathematical science thus allowing him to join an elite college. It has however been claimed that Louis Pasteur was not seen to do well in class during is early education and most of the time was seen to prefer going fishing instead of attended school. His success in education was nevertheless open when he was send by his headmaster to study in Paris were he successfully managed to be awarded his doctorate degree in 1847 (Cohn). During his early after school life, scientist Louis Pasteur is said to have served as a professor of physics and chemistry in two different institutions. He married in the year 1849 to daughter of a university rector and got five children. It is however due to the effects of diseases in the society that only two of the five kids managed to reach adulthood. The other three fall victims subject to typhoid and brain tumor (Lamont). As claimed by many people, necessity is the mother of invention. It is most probably a direct result of this loss of kids experience that scientist Louis Pasteur devoted much of his professional life in search for a lasting cure to diseases as well as finding a scientific solution to occurrence of diseases in the human body (Smith 123). Such efforts are the reason why he is said to be the worlds first scientific genius to satisfactorily explain to the human community the relationship that existed between health and diseases thus breaking many myths which were associated to diseases. Pasteur died 1895 after suffering series of stroke complication and was buried. It is however to be noted that his remains were later reburied at the institute of Pasteur in Paris which serves as a symbolic site for remembering Pasteur long struggles in the scientific world to find ways of saving human life (Worboys 46).
Scientist Louis Pasteur great works
Among the first scientific discoveries made by scientist Louis Pasteur is the explanation of the theory of polarization of light. In this invention Pasteur managed to resolve the problem that surrounded the tartaric acid (Famous Scientist). Many believed that tartaric acid did not have the same effects of polarization on matter although it had same chemical components as such other chemical both in reaction and elemental composition properties. It is however to be realized through experimentation, scientist Louis Pasteur realized that tartaric acid was made up of two compounds both of which supported rotation of polarized light (Famous Scientists). Such rotations on light were found to be counter reactive for both compounds thus cancelling their end rotation effects. This is why tartaric acid does not produce rotation effect on polarized light.
Another discovery by scientist Louis Pasteur was in his explanation of the scientific reasons behind fermentation. His interest in this area of concern came as a result of the problem that was compromising the successful production and preservation of alcohol drinks. The alcohol and wine industries were faced with the problem of souring of their products and this was a major economic drawback for the France nation (Robbins). This led to is explanation that the changes that lead to the fermenting of alcohol, wine and milk as well as the decaying of food stuffs like meat was due to presence of some micro organisms in the drinks or foods. It was through his discovery that souring of alcohol was due to presence of strange bacteria. This led to his documentation of an effective way of nurturing the right micro organisms for fermenting alcohol (Robbins 123). Still on this invention, scientist Louis Pasteur was able to realize that souring of milk and wine could be avoided by heating such drinks at high temperatures and high pressure before bottling them. Such boiling according to Pasteur are for the purposes of killing most of the bacteria in the drinks thus reducing chances of souring (Famous Scientists). It is this explanation which is greatly used in the preservation of milk in the modern and is known as pasteurization.
Scientist Louis Pasteur went a head and explained the fact that development of bacteria in nutrient stuff was due to biogenesis but not by spontaneous generation as many had explained and believed. This discovery came after scientist Louis Pasteur evidently found out that bacteria was only present in uncovered nutritious food stuffs rather than in well preserved foods (Dubos 34). This clearly proved that germs in food stuffs are from outside and thus disproving the traditional theory of spontaneous generation. This is what is currently referred to as the germ theory. It is here to be noted that Louis Pasteur was not the original proposer of the germ theory. However, the much credit given to him on the theory is the fact that it he was the first scientist to explain it after conducting experiments which clearly proved its correctness. It is indeed due too these reason that scientist Louis Pasteur his commonly referred to be the father of the bacteriology branch of science (Bellis).
It is also thus to scientist Louis Pasteur that we have the theories of Pasteur Effect, antiseptic and anaerobiosis. Pasteur managed to prove that diseases affecting human beings and animals were due to infection by microorganisms. This discovery led to his proposal that such infections should be preventing if diseases were to be eliminated. It is indeed due to this great proposal the led to the development of the antiseptic methods which are commonly used during surgery (Lamont). Another concern for microorganisms as the cause of death and diseases in animals and humans was his explanation that microbe were a great threat to the sustainable breeding of silkworm in the nation. This was after he identified that some microorganisms were eating silkworm eggs and causing disease. It was based on this reasoning that scientist Louis Pasteur proposed that eliminating these microorganisms from the silkworm nurseries could easily resolve the disease infection problem. Another discovery by Louis Pasteur is the commonly accepted fact that microorganisms can grow and successfully live without air. It is this discovery which commonly referred to as the Pasteur Effect (Lurquin 76).
It is to be noted here that the concern for human health by scientist Louis Pasteur is what led to many of his discoveries and scientific inventions through research. His discover that disease was caused by microorganisms which infected the human body led to his concerns for finding a lasting solution to the disease problem in the society. It is due to this reason that Pasteur is known to have spent most of his later professional life in researching on the process of developing artificial immunity through use of vaccines on human beings (Rhee). This according to him could greatly reduce chances of the disease causing microorganisms entering the human body and thus reducing disease infections in the community.
Pasteur and his work on immunology and the development of vaccines for diseases
Pasteur conducted extensive research on the concept of immunology. He discovered that by infecting chicken with weakened chicken cholera, those who never showed signs of the disease could not be infected even when he tried to infect them with fresh bacteria of the disease (Lurquin 113). This led to Pasteurs conclusion that such weakened bacteria had served to cause immunity on the chicken against the disease causing bacteria. Still discovered during this immunity experiment by Pasteur is the fact once the chicken were infected with the weakened bacteria, there chance of recovering from same disease infection on medication were much highly as compared to other chicken (Cohn). This discovery led to his documentation of the immunization theory. It has been claimed from existing historical information that this led to Pasteurs application of is immunization to prevent the infection of cattle with anthrax (Bellis). The success of this involvement on anthrax in cattle is what made Pasteur to claim that he had managed to develop a vaccine for anthrax by simply weakening the anthrax causing bacteria. This was according to Pasteurs explanation realized by exposing the bacillus bacteria which is responsible for causing anthrax to oxygen before infecting cattle with it.
It is to be realized here that owing to this early knowledge by Pasteur that by infecting animals with weakened disease causing microorganisms could greatly reduce chance of its getting infected by the disease that led to his invention of the vaccine for rabies. It has been historically claimed that Pasteur realized this by nurturing the rabies causing virus in a rabbit (Worboys 56). The process of weakening was achieved by drying the nerve tissues that were infected by the nurtured virus. It was this historical development of a vaccine for the disease that led to the saving of first human being infected by the virus in 1885. This successful use of the vaccine on a human being led to the ultimate development and use of many other vaccines on human beings thus reducing the rates of deaths caused by preventable disease causing microorganism (Smith 131).
Influence of scientist Louis Pasteur to modern scientific developments
Louis Pasteur, through research and genius approach in addressing human problems made remarkable influence to our modern research activities on biological and biochemical science. First is his satisfactory explanation of growth of microorganisms in food stuffs. Through is research to quantify or disapprove the spontaneous generation theory, Louis Pasteur gave a great insight to the scientific world on the fact that microorganism infections on the human body can be avoided (Famous Scientists). This was to be realized through ensuring prevention of the disease causing microorganisms from entering into the human. Second is the discovery that weakened microorganisms can be used to improve the body immunity ability of the body against disease infections. It is in fact by this that the concept of immunization and vaccine development has gained substantial success in preventing otherwise deadly disease in our society (Rhee). Still to be clearly noted is that the process of wine and alcohol making received it much economic success through his designing of an effective and reliable formulae for reducing bacterial infection which leads to its souring. By his pasteurization principle for the preservation of milk and wine Louis Pasteur must be appreciated as the father of the life saving human practices in the society (Robbins 115). His quest for reason behind existence and human myths and theories can only be seen as the reason behind the many scientific research activities carried out daily to ascertain the true of existence (Smith 135).
It has clearly established that scientist Louis Pasteur should be praised for his devoted efforts and achievement in finding sustainable solution to life threatening problems in the society. Pasteur set the basis for most of the scientific involvements in biology and biochemistry (Famous Scientists). With his clearly defended germ theory, he is evidently found to be the father of bacteriology. It is her to be established that Pasteur through is quest to end suffering and death due to disease infections led to development of many scientific principles and theories. In fact, it is evidently clear that most of the theories and principles explained by Pasteur quite useful in guiding modern scientist in their research works.
This paper is written as a discussion on scientist Louis Pasteur and his achievements in the biological and biochemical science world.
The first subtitle gives a brief discussion on the life of Louis Pasteur and how he managed to realized his many scientific discoveries.
The second subtitle is a discussion of Louis Pasteur great works of discovery. Discussed her include the germ theory, the theory of polarization of light in tartaric acid and the reason behind fermentation as well as Pasteur Effect.
Subtitle three deals with Pasteur involvement and achievements in the research for immunology and vaccination.
These is followed by subtitle five which talks about how Pasteur discoveries helped in shaping our modern scientific research then the author gives a conclusion which is a brief summary of the whole paper.
Scientist Louis Pasteur
Scientist Louis Pasteur was born in Dole France on the 27th day of December the year 1822 the only son in his family (Lamont). It is claimed in historical records that he was born to a poor tanners family but still managed to get a degree in letters and mathematical science thus allowing him to join an elite college. It has however been claimed that Louis Pasteur was not seen to do well in class during is early education and most of the time was seen to prefer going fishing instead of attended school. His success in education was nevertheless open when he was send by his headmaster to study in Paris were he successfully managed to be awarded his doctorate degree in 1847 (Cohn). During his early after school life, scientist Louis Pasteur is said to have served as a professor of physics and chemistry in two different institutions. He married in the year 1849 to daughter of a university rector and got five children. It is however due to the effects of diseases in the society that only two of the five kids managed to reach adulthood. The other three fall victims subject to typhoid and brain tumor (Lamont). As claimed by many people, necessity is the mother of invention. It is most probably a direct result of this loss of kids experience that scientist Louis Pasteur devoted much of his professional life in search for a lasting cure to diseases as well as finding a scientific solution to occurrence of diseases in the human body (Smith 123). Such efforts are the reason why he is said to be the worlds first scientific genius to satisfactorily explain to the human community the relationship that existed between health and diseases thus breaking many myths which were associated to diseases. Pasteur died 1895 after suffering series of stroke complication and was buried. It is however to be noted that his remains were later reburied at the institute of Pasteur in Paris which serves as a symbolic site for remembering Pasteur long struggles in the scientific world to find ways of saving human life (Worboys 46).
Scientist Louis Pasteur great works
Among the first scientific discoveries made by scientist Louis Pasteur is the explanation of the theory of polarization of light. In this invention Pasteur managed to resolve the problem that surrounded the tartaric acid (Famous Scientist). Many believed that tartaric acid did not have the same effects of polarization on matter although it had same chemical components as such other chemical both in reaction and elemental composition properties. It is however to be realized through experimentation, scientist Louis Pasteur realized that tartaric acid was made up of two compounds both of which supported rotation of polarized light (Famous Scientists). Such rotations on light were found to be counter reactive for both compounds thus cancelling their end rotation effects. This is why tartaric acid does not produce rotation effect on polarized light.
Another discovery by scientist Louis Pasteur was in his explanation of the scientific reasons behind fermentation. His interest in this area of concern came as a result of the problem that was compromising the successful production and preservation of alcohol drinks. The alcohol and wine industries were faced with the problem of souring of their products and this was a major economic drawback for the France nation (Robbins). This led to is explanation that the changes that lead to the fermenting of alcohol, wine and milk as well as the decaying of food stuffs like meat was due to presence of some micro organisms in the drinks or foods. It was through his discovery that souring of alcohol was due to presence of strange bacteria. This led to his documentation of an effective way of nurturing the right micro organisms for fermenting alcohol (Robbins 123). Still on this invention, scientist Louis Pasteur was able to realize that souring of milk and wine could be avoided by heating such drinks at high temperatures and high pressure before bottling them. Such boiling according to Pasteur are for the purposes of killing most of the bacteria in the drinks thus reducing chances of souring (Famous Scientists). It is this explanation which is greatly used in the preservation of milk in the modern and is known as pasteurization.
Scientist Louis Pasteur went a head and explained the fact that development of bacteria in nutrient stuff was due to biogenesis but not by spontaneous generation as many had explained and believed. This discovery came after scientist Louis Pasteur evidently found out that bacteria was only present in uncovered nutritious food stuffs rather than in well preserved foods (Dubos 34). This clearly proved that germs in food stuffs are from outside and thus disproving the traditional theory of spontaneous generation. This is what is currently referred to as the germ theory. It is here to be noted that Louis Pasteur was not the original proposer of the germ theory. However, the much credit given to him on the theory is the fact that it he was the first scientist to explain it after conducting experiments which clearly proved its correctness. It is indeed due too these reason that scientist Louis Pasteur his commonly referred to be the father of the bacteriology branch of science (Bellis).
It is also thus to scientist Louis Pasteur that we have the theories of Pasteur Effect, antiseptic and anaerobiosis. Pasteur managed to prove that diseases affecting human beings and animals were due to infection by microorganisms. This discovery led to his proposal that such infections should be preventing if diseases were to be eliminated. It is indeed due to this great proposal the led to the development of the antiseptic methods which are commonly used during surgery (Lamont). Another concern for microorganisms as the cause of death and diseases in animals and humans was his explanation that microbe were a great threat to the sustainable breeding of silkworm in the nation. This was after he identified that some microorganisms were eating silkworm eggs and causing disease. It was based on this reasoning that scientist Louis Pasteur proposed that eliminating these microorganisms from the silkworm nurseries could easily resolve the disease infection problem. Another discovery by Louis Pasteur is the commonly accepted fact that microorganisms can grow and successfully live without air. It is this discovery which commonly referred to as the Pasteur Effect (Lurquin 76).
It is to be noted here that the concern for human health by scientist Louis Pasteur is what led to many of his discoveries and scientific inventions through research. His discover that disease was caused by microorganisms which infected the human body led to his concerns for finding a lasting solution to the disease problem in the society. It is due to this reason that Pasteur is known to have spent most of his later professional life in researching on the process of developing artificial immunity through use of vaccines on human beings (Rhee). This according to him could greatly reduce chances of the disease causing microorganisms entering the human body and thus reducing disease infections in the community.
Pasteur and his work on immunology and the development of vaccines for diseases
Pasteur conducted extensive research on the concept of immunology. He discovered that by infecting chicken with weakened chicken cholera, those who never showed signs of the disease could not be infected even when he tried to infect them with fresh bacteria of the disease (Lurquin 113). This led to Pasteurs conclusion that such weakened bacteria had served to cause immunity on the chicken against the disease causing bacteria. Still discovered during this immunity experiment by Pasteur is the fact once the chicken were infected with the weakened bacteria, there chance of recovering from same disease infection on medication were much highly as compared to other chicken (Cohn). This discovery led to his documentation of the immunization theory. It has been claimed from existing historical information that this led to Pasteurs application of is immunization to prevent the infection of cattle with anthrax (Bellis). The success of this involvement on anthrax in cattle is what made Pasteur to claim that he had managed to develop a vaccine for anthrax by simply weakening the anthrax causing bacteria. This was according to Pasteurs explanation realized by exposing the bacillus bacteria which is responsible for causing anthrax to oxygen before infecting cattle with it.
It is to be realized here that owing to this early knowledge by Pasteur that by infecting animals with weakened disease causing microorganisms could greatly reduce chance of its getting infected by the disease that led to his invention of the vaccine for rabies. It has been historically claimed that Pasteur realized this by nurturing the rabies causing virus in a rabbit (Worboys 56). The process of weakening was achieved by drying the nerve tissues that were infected by the nurtured virus. It was this historical development of a vaccine for the disease that led to the saving of first human being infected by the virus in 1885. This successful use of the vaccine on a human being led to the ultimate development and use of many other vaccines on human beings thus reducing the rates of deaths caused by preventable disease causing microorganism (Smith 131).
Influence of scientist Louis Pasteur to modern scientific developments
Louis Pasteur, through research and genius approach in addressing human problems made remarkable influence to our modern research activities on biological and biochemical science. First is his satisfactory explanation of growth of microorganisms in food stuffs. Through is research to quantify or disapprove the spontaneous generation theory, Louis Pasteur gave a great insight to the scientific world on the fact that microorganism infections on the human body can be avoided (Famous Scientists). This was to be realized through ensuring prevention of the disease causing microorganisms from entering into the human. Second is the discovery that weakened microorganisms can be used to improve the body immunity ability of the body against disease infections. It is in fact by this that the concept of immunization and vaccine development has gained substantial success in preventing otherwise deadly disease in our society (Rhee). Still to be clearly noted is that the process of wine and alcohol making received it much economic success through his designing of an effective and reliable formulae for reducing bacterial infection which leads to its souring. By his pasteurization principle for the preservation of milk and wine Louis Pasteur must be appreciated as the father of the life saving human practices in the society (Robbins 115). His quest for reason behind existence and human myths and theories can only be seen as the reason behind the many scientific research activities carried out daily to ascertain the true of existence (Smith 135).
It has clearly established that scientist Louis Pasteur should be praised for his devoted efforts and achievement in finding sustainable solution to life threatening problems in the society. Pasteur set the basis for most of the scientific involvements in biology and biochemistry (Famous Scientists). With his clearly defended germ theory, he is evidently found to be the father of bacteriology. It is her to be established that Pasteur through is quest to end suffering and death due to disease infections led to development of many scientific principles and theories. In fact, it is evidently clear that most of the theories and principles explained by Pasteur quite useful in guiding modern scientist in their research works.
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