Title As Playful as a Cat.
Persian cats and Siamese cats are among the most common breeds of cat and are found in most parts of the world as they can survive in all weathers and in varied terrains (Turner, Paul and Gordon 6). Persians are among the oldest breeds of cat and one of their main features is long hair. It is hard to find a pedigree but the breeds available are very friendly and are good companions. They are very quiet and find it hard to trust easily though they are very intelligent. Ones a person gains their trust they are very communicative. They come in a variety of colors and love to be stroked but are not very active or athletic like other breeds of cats though they have their moments. For the research I observed a Persian cat named Tabitha. She is almost four years old and I adopted her when she was nine days old after her mother was hit by a car and died.
She was very tiny and at first I was skeptical she would survive but she did. Being raised by a human has really distorted some of her eating habits and other traits. Her feeding habits are very different. She eats pretty much anything even fruits since growing up sometimes I would feed her with whatever was available and this diversified her palate. Her favorite fruits are avocadoes. She does not really like fruits but she gets thirsty often and therefore she takes a lot of time. She eats meat and does not enjoy rice or foods that stick to her teeth (Pet Food Institute 89).
Tabitha was raised all alone and by a human so her socialization skills with other cats are very wanting. Sometimes she is just plain hostile to other cats other times she is aloof but in essence she keeps her distance and has not been able to relate with other cats at all. It is almost as if she does not consider herself a cat and wonders what those creatures are. In view of all these she has not had any kittens and as the owner having observed her for such a long time I am not expecting her to bear any kittens anytime soon because of the way she behaves towards other cats (Serpell 151-158).
Persians are relatively quiet and Tabitha is no exception but she is not as distrustful to humans as she is of other cats. She is very quiet unless when her toilet area has been moved or she is thirsty or when she wants another of her needs met. She is extremely playful and even plays all by herself. Her favorite game is hide and seek so incase someone is walking to another room Tabitha will run past the person and hide somewhere in that room and keep on peeking and if a person makes as if they are moving towards that direction Tabitha runs and hides somewhere else. This can go on for over ten minutes till she is tired in which case she sleeps for a whole hour. She also likes chasing after her ball and kicking it but unlike other cats for instance Siamese cats Tabitha being a Persian and relatively big tires very fast and she spends more tine sleeping tat playing (Serpell 151-158).
The characteristics of Persians have undergone changes through centuries of mixed breeding. The cat I observed is a Persian but judging by the levels of its energy it is a Himalayan Persian thus some of the characteristics resemble those of a Siamese cat (Turner, Paul and Gordon 12). As the owner I wash the cat thoroughly every so often as it is very furry and despite being a very fastidious groomer it is hard for Persian cats to keep themselves completely clean. Also, I brush her fur to ensure that its does not form lumps. The eyes also undergo a through cleaning to remove the crusts that form in the edges. Tabitha weighs around five kilograms. She has a scratching mat which has to replaced every six seven months or so as she is constantly scratching it to sharpen and clean her nails (Coleman and Samson 381-390).
The researcher observed a pet she has raised since it was less than two weeks old kitten. This kitten lives therefore in my house. I have raised the cat but for this research I observed it through the end of fall in late September to beginning of winter in early December. I decided to observe it for an hour under each condition. Three hours during the day were split into three different days whereby the observation was for an hour during the day each day. For instance one hour in the morning, another hour during the night and another hour in the early evening all in different days. At night the hours were also spread out in different days and the observation would occur for one hour on the specific days.
As there was a change in the seasons that is fall and winter therefore the observation also included three hours during a fall and a winter night and three hours during a fall and winter day. The three hours in each case were spread out and took place in different days. This means that the observation for daytime was conducted for an hour on separate days at different times of the day and the same case applied the nighttime. In total the number of days that this conscious observation occurred was therefore around twelve days. Coupled with all the observation gathered for in the four years of raising and living with the cat an ethogram and time budget were constructed.
The ethogram outlines all the behavior observed from the cat in different circumstances whereas the time budget tries to show the number of times that the cat engages in certain behaviors. These behaviors are looked at cumulatively and they end up showing what a cat spends its time on for most of the day and the night. The ethogram outlines most of the activities a can engages in whereas the time budget shows the number of times the cat behaves in a certain way.
Feeding and drinking
Prefers milk compares to eating or taking water the cat prefers taking milk as it is both quenching and filling (Fitzgerald 123-147).
Eats meat a cat eats meat and the cat that was observed basically eats meat but unlike other cats it can also eat a few fruits and enjoys avocadoes maybe because it was raised solely by a human since it was kitten (Fitzgerald 123-147).
Drinks water every so often as the cat is a bit active it grows thirsty very first. Also as it used to being bathed almost everyday it does not fear water and it takes water when it thirsty.
One meal a day the cat eats one meal in a day at night but it will accept a piece of meat or something else but everyday at nine in the night it sits next to its food bowl and waits to be served. This is a behaviour that was nurtured as the cat was growing up to instill discipline. If serving the meal is delayed late the cat gets very restless and will start meowing (Adamec 263-272).
Keeps drinking the milk the milk bowl has milk all day as the cat drinks this milk throughout the day. After waking up or after playing it rushes to take the some bit of milk and if the bowl stays for a few hours without milk it starts meowing.
Licking fur cats like keeping themselves clean and will lick their fur every chance they get. This it because most do not like bathing in water thus will lick all the dust clean from their bodies (Turner et. al. 8)
Nibbling its belly this happens to scratch and or to removekill any real or perceived insects or other organisms that are hiding in their fur (Turner et. al. 10).
Cleaning ears with the paws- this is a kick like movement meant to clean the areas behind the ears. The cat licks to wet its paw and directs that paw to an area behind its ear and rubs this area clean.
Thorough cleaning of private parts this happens from time to time but gusto in increased immediately after it has peed or gone for a long call (Turner et. al. 23).
Jumps on the seats I attribute this partly to the bouncy feel of the seats and partly to playfulness of the cat.
Runs around- the cat runs first as if being chased then stops suddenly and it can go on several times ((Turner et. al. 30 Adamec 263-272).
Rolls on the floor Behaviour observed when the cat is on heat and sometimes when it is relaxed. It will roll on the floor with the paws facing upwards (Humphrey, and Daniel 840-844).
Rubs is side against walls this is done to scratch its body (Humphrey, and Daniel 840-844).
Scratch its scratching mat and other semi-soft surfaces soft surfaces to sharpen its nails and also clean its nails (Turner et. al. 43).
Touching nose this is mostly if someone is asleep or if the cat is lifted up and its face is very near the persons face or if it is curious about another small creature for instance a smaller cat or a kitten. It is a sign of greeting which shows it is not threatened (Warfield and Walter 41-54).
Stationary Attitudes
Sits on its hind legs when it is alert or waiting for something (Warfield and Walter 41-54).
Lies on its side when it is relaxing or resting after it has been playing
Lies in its stomach when it is sleeping and may even cover its eyes with its paws.
Curls itself when it is deep asleep for comfort (Warfield and Walter 41-54).
Prefers being on high ground the cat prefers perching on high ground as opposed to being on the floor. The same behaviour has been observed in other animals in the cat family for instance the cheetahs (Bourne 190).
Non-Locomotion Activities
Eyes open wide when it is very alert or in the dark.
Ears stand erect especially very attentive- when getting ready to attack (Coleman and Samson 4-8).
Sometimes lets a bit of tongue hanging out this is especially it has been licking its fur and it will leave its tongue out for a bit.
Sleeps long hours the better part of the day the cat is sleeping wakes up if there is a commotion in the house and it plays at night especially after eating then sleeps till morning.
Social Behavior
Play behavior (if with other animal (s)
Sometimes very hostile to other cats especially because it lives alone and maybe wonders what those other creatures that resemble it are (Warfield and Walter 41-54).
Fears dogs and hides from them the neighborhood dogs are notorious and chase the cats around.
If she is not being hostile she is aloof basically does not mix with the other cats or animals and prefers to observe them from a distance (Warfield and Walter 41-54).
Kicks small animals and mice around like a ball instead of eating mice or even other smaller creatures like lizards she kicks them around then chases after them sometimes even when they are alive.
Loves hide and seek- to get a person interested the cat will run in front of them in the direction to which the person is walking then hide and start peeking to see what the person is doing. If you go in the direction of the hideout the cat escapes and finds a new hiding place and the exercise is repeated allover again (Warfield and Walter 41-54).
Kicking a ball and chasing after it this is the cats favorite pastime. It kicks the ball then tries to catch up with the ball by running after it at a high speed.
Chases flies falling leaves or other insects around- it will jump up trying to catch a fly or a falling leaf.
Meowing especially when she wants something like food or drink or simply truing to seek attention (Adamec 263-272).
Purring a trill sound especially when being stroked or being touched when her belly is being scratched (Adamec 263-272).
Hissing when frustrated by something for instance hot food or someone for instance when it is relaxing and someone disturbs it (Turner et. al. 50).
Growling when scared or gearing up to attack someone or another cat or when it is on heat and it is touched or another cat dares move in its direction (Turner et. al. 63).
Squeaking and chirping to attract birds and other animals.
Clicking and Grunting this is especially when it feels harassed or its peace is being disturbed
Prefers indoors does not loiter around the estate but stays in the house as it is not very social (Coleman and Samson 76)
Can push a slightly open door to open it completely this is especially when it wants to walk in or out of a room.
Knows when it has done something wrong this hiding goes on for a while then eventually it resurfaces and starts meowing.
Covers up its waste
Cleans its private areas thoroughly immediately after excreting
Active mostly at night
Likes being alone and may play longer alone
Communicates mood through the position of the ears or the tail, body relaxation and kneading of its paws for instance raises tail or touches noses signals a warm greeting
Pees often this is compared to going for long calls. It may pee even six times in a day.
Goes for a long call once per day in a secluded area a discipline cultivated over time
Eats and drinks from its bowl- a habit that I instilled in it as I was raising it because I did not want it to eat from any surface in the house. OF TOTAL
Licking Fur 13 7.0
Head Kick 8 4.3
Body Scratch 5 2.7
Nail scratch 6 3.2
Walk 10 5.4
Run 2 1.0
Jump 5 2.7
Stationary Attitudes
Upright Sit 4 2.1
Upright Stand 12 6.4
Prostrate on Belly 10 5.4
Alert-prostrate on Belly 4 2.1
Non-upright Sit 9 4.9
Non-Locomotion Activities
Digging 26 14
Probing with Paw 4 2.1
Sniff of Inanimate Object 8 4.3
Social Behavior
Sniff of another Animal 1 0.5
Sniff other humans 3 1.6
Hide 6 3.2
Meowing 32 17.3
Purring 9 4.9
Hissing 2 1.0
Growling 1 0.5
Pee 2 1.0
Raise its tail 3 1.6 185 100.0
Cats are generally very social beings. They are very playful and like perching on high ground. Some breeds like the Persian are very slow in trusting humans and other fellow cats. Their eating habits vary depending on their socialization process but generally they like eating meat. Also like their counterparts the lions, cheetahs they are carnivorous animals (Bourne 190).
Grooming is very important to cats this is because most do not like water but the Persians due to their thick long fur, if it is a domesticated cat need to be bathed preferably once in day and the fur brushed thoroughly to keep it clean. The other alternative is to shave the fur.
When on heat a cat is extremely sensitive and they are very noisy. They like to be given their space otherwise they get very aggressive and hostile. This explains the constant growling and incessant hissing.
Most domesticated cats pick up certain habits like they eat from their bowls or pee in the designated areas. This is because the discipline is instilled in them as they are growing up. Tabitha knows her meal times and knows her toilet area. These are habits that have been cultivated as she has been growing up. Animals are intelligent they even read the mood of the humans and know when to play and when to stay out of sight and cats are especially sensitive. They will hide when they mess up and will give a person space if they sense there is tension.
She was very tiny and at first I was skeptical she would survive but she did. Being raised by a human has really distorted some of her eating habits and other traits. Her feeding habits are very different. She eats pretty much anything even fruits since growing up sometimes I would feed her with whatever was available and this diversified her palate. Her favorite fruits are avocadoes. She does not really like fruits but she gets thirsty often and therefore she takes a lot of time. She eats meat and does not enjoy rice or foods that stick to her teeth (Pet Food Institute 89).
Tabitha was raised all alone and by a human so her socialization skills with other cats are very wanting. Sometimes she is just plain hostile to other cats other times she is aloof but in essence she keeps her distance and has not been able to relate with other cats at all. It is almost as if she does not consider herself a cat and wonders what those creatures are. In view of all these she has not had any kittens and as the owner having observed her for such a long time I am not expecting her to bear any kittens anytime soon because of the way she behaves towards other cats (Serpell 151-158).
Persians are relatively quiet and Tabitha is no exception but she is not as distrustful to humans as she is of other cats. She is very quiet unless when her toilet area has been moved or she is thirsty or when she wants another of her needs met. She is extremely playful and even plays all by herself. Her favorite game is hide and seek so incase someone is walking to another room Tabitha will run past the person and hide somewhere in that room and keep on peeking and if a person makes as if they are moving towards that direction Tabitha runs and hides somewhere else. This can go on for over ten minutes till she is tired in which case she sleeps for a whole hour. She also likes chasing after her ball and kicking it but unlike other cats for instance Siamese cats Tabitha being a Persian and relatively big tires very fast and she spends more tine sleeping tat playing (Serpell 151-158).
The characteristics of Persians have undergone changes through centuries of mixed breeding. The cat I observed is a Persian but judging by the levels of its energy it is a Himalayan Persian thus some of the characteristics resemble those of a Siamese cat (Turner, Paul and Gordon 12). As the owner I wash the cat thoroughly every so often as it is very furry and despite being a very fastidious groomer it is hard for Persian cats to keep themselves completely clean. Also, I brush her fur to ensure that its does not form lumps. The eyes also undergo a through cleaning to remove the crusts that form in the edges. Tabitha weighs around five kilograms. She has a scratching mat which has to replaced every six seven months or so as she is constantly scratching it to sharpen and clean her nails (Coleman and Samson 381-390).
The researcher observed a pet she has raised since it was less than two weeks old kitten. This kitten lives therefore in my house. I have raised the cat but for this research I observed it through the end of fall in late September to beginning of winter in early December. I decided to observe it for an hour under each condition. Three hours during the day were split into three different days whereby the observation was for an hour during the day each day. For instance one hour in the morning, another hour during the night and another hour in the early evening all in different days. At night the hours were also spread out in different days and the observation would occur for one hour on the specific days.
As there was a change in the seasons that is fall and winter therefore the observation also included three hours during a fall and a winter night and three hours during a fall and winter day. The three hours in each case were spread out and took place in different days. This means that the observation for daytime was conducted for an hour on separate days at different times of the day and the same case applied the nighttime. In total the number of days that this conscious observation occurred was therefore around twelve days. Coupled with all the observation gathered for in the four years of raising and living with the cat an ethogram and time budget were constructed.
The ethogram outlines all the behavior observed from the cat in different circumstances whereas the time budget tries to show the number of times that the cat engages in certain behaviors. These behaviors are looked at cumulatively and they end up showing what a cat spends its time on for most of the day and the night. The ethogram outlines most of the activities a can engages in whereas the time budget shows the number of times the cat behaves in a certain way.
Feeding and drinking
Prefers milk compares to eating or taking water the cat prefers taking milk as it is both quenching and filling (Fitzgerald 123-147).
Eats meat a cat eats meat and the cat that was observed basically eats meat but unlike other cats it can also eat a few fruits and enjoys avocadoes maybe because it was raised solely by a human since it was kitten (Fitzgerald 123-147).
Drinks water every so often as the cat is a bit active it grows thirsty very first. Also as it used to being bathed almost everyday it does not fear water and it takes water when it thirsty.
One meal a day the cat eats one meal in a day at night but it will accept a piece of meat or something else but everyday at nine in the night it sits next to its food bowl and waits to be served. This is a behaviour that was nurtured as the cat was growing up to instill discipline. If serving the meal is delayed late the cat gets very restless and will start meowing (Adamec 263-272).
Keeps drinking the milk the milk bowl has milk all day as the cat drinks this milk throughout the day. After waking up or after playing it rushes to take the some bit of milk and if the bowl stays for a few hours without milk it starts meowing.
Licking fur cats like keeping themselves clean and will lick their fur every chance they get. This it because most do not like bathing in water thus will lick all the dust clean from their bodies (Turner et. al. 8)
Nibbling its belly this happens to scratch and or to removekill any real or perceived insects or other organisms that are hiding in their fur (Turner et. al. 10).
Cleaning ears with the paws- this is a kick like movement meant to clean the areas behind the ears. The cat licks to wet its paw and directs that paw to an area behind its ear and rubs this area clean.
Thorough cleaning of private parts this happens from time to time but gusto in increased immediately after it has peed or gone for a long call (Turner et. al. 23).
Jumps on the seats I attribute this partly to the bouncy feel of the seats and partly to playfulness of the cat.
Runs around- the cat runs first as if being chased then stops suddenly and it can go on several times ((Turner et. al. 30 Adamec 263-272).
Rolls on the floor Behaviour observed when the cat is on heat and sometimes when it is relaxed. It will roll on the floor with the paws facing upwards (Humphrey, and Daniel 840-844).
Rubs is side against walls this is done to scratch its body (Humphrey, and Daniel 840-844).
Scratch its scratching mat and other semi-soft surfaces soft surfaces to sharpen its nails and also clean its nails (Turner et. al. 43).
Touching nose this is mostly if someone is asleep or if the cat is lifted up and its face is very near the persons face or if it is curious about another small creature for instance a smaller cat or a kitten. It is a sign of greeting which shows it is not threatened (Warfield and Walter 41-54).
Stationary Attitudes
Sits on its hind legs when it is alert or waiting for something (Warfield and Walter 41-54).
Lies on its side when it is relaxing or resting after it has been playing
Lies in its stomach when it is sleeping and may even cover its eyes with its paws.
Curls itself when it is deep asleep for comfort (Warfield and Walter 41-54).
Prefers being on high ground the cat prefers perching on high ground as opposed to being on the floor. The same behaviour has been observed in other animals in the cat family for instance the cheetahs (Bourne 190).
Non-Locomotion Activities
Eyes open wide when it is very alert or in the dark.
Ears stand erect especially very attentive- when getting ready to attack (Coleman and Samson 4-8).
Sometimes lets a bit of tongue hanging out this is especially it has been licking its fur and it will leave its tongue out for a bit.
Sleeps long hours the better part of the day the cat is sleeping wakes up if there is a commotion in the house and it plays at night especially after eating then sleeps till morning.
Social Behavior
Play behavior (if with other animal (s)
Sometimes very hostile to other cats especially because it lives alone and maybe wonders what those other creatures that resemble it are (Warfield and Walter 41-54).
Fears dogs and hides from them the neighborhood dogs are notorious and chase the cats around.
If she is not being hostile she is aloof basically does not mix with the other cats or animals and prefers to observe them from a distance (Warfield and Walter 41-54).
Kicks small animals and mice around like a ball instead of eating mice or even other smaller creatures like lizards she kicks them around then chases after them sometimes even when they are alive.
Loves hide and seek- to get a person interested the cat will run in front of them in the direction to which the person is walking then hide and start peeking to see what the person is doing. If you go in the direction of the hideout the cat escapes and finds a new hiding place and the exercise is repeated allover again (Warfield and Walter 41-54).
Kicking a ball and chasing after it this is the cats favorite pastime. It kicks the ball then tries to catch up with the ball by running after it at a high speed.
Chases flies falling leaves or other insects around- it will jump up trying to catch a fly or a falling leaf.
Meowing especially when she wants something like food or drink or simply truing to seek attention (Adamec 263-272).
Purring a trill sound especially when being stroked or being touched when her belly is being scratched (Adamec 263-272).
Hissing when frustrated by something for instance hot food or someone for instance when it is relaxing and someone disturbs it (Turner et. al. 50).
Growling when scared or gearing up to attack someone or another cat or when it is on heat and it is touched or another cat dares move in its direction (Turner et. al. 63).
Squeaking and chirping to attract birds and other animals.
Clicking and Grunting this is especially when it feels harassed or its peace is being disturbed
Prefers indoors does not loiter around the estate but stays in the house as it is not very social (Coleman and Samson 76)
Can push a slightly open door to open it completely this is especially when it wants to walk in or out of a room.
Knows when it has done something wrong this hiding goes on for a while then eventually it resurfaces and starts meowing.
Covers up its waste
Cleans its private areas thoroughly immediately after excreting
Active mostly at night
Likes being alone and may play longer alone
Communicates mood through the position of the ears or the tail, body relaxation and kneading of its paws for instance raises tail or touches noses signals a warm greeting
Pees often this is compared to going for long calls. It may pee even six times in a day.
Goes for a long call once per day in a secluded area a discipline cultivated over time
Eats and drinks from its bowl- a habit that I instilled in it as I was raising it because I did not want it to eat from any surface in the house. OF TOTAL
Licking Fur 13 7.0
Head Kick 8 4.3
Body Scratch 5 2.7
Nail scratch 6 3.2
Walk 10 5.4
Run 2 1.0
Jump 5 2.7
Stationary Attitudes
Upright Sit 4 2.1
Upright Stand 12 6.4
Prostrate on Belly 10 5.4
Alert-prostrate on Belly 4 2.1
Non-upright Sit 9 4.9
Non-Locomotion Activities
Digging 26 14
Probing with Paw 4 2.1
Sniff of Inanimate Object 8 4.3
Social Behavior
Sniff of another Animal 1 0.5
Sniff other humans 3 1.6
Hide 6 3.2
Meowing 32 17.3
Purring 9 4.9
Hissing 2 1.0
Growling 1 0.5
Pee 2 1.0
Raise its tail 3 1.6 185 100.0
Cats are generally very social beings. They are very playful and like perching on high ground. Some breeds like the Persian are very slow in trusting humans and other fellow cats. Their eating habits vary depending on their socialization process but generally they like eating meat. Also like their counterparts the lions, cheetahs they are carnivorous animals (Bourne 190).
Grooming is very important to cats this is because most do not like water but the Persians due to their thick long fur, if it is a domesticated cat need to be bathed preferably once in day and the fur brushed thoroughly to keep it clean. The other alternative is to shave the fur.
When on heat a cat is extremely sensitive and they are very noisy. They like to be given their space otherwise they get very aggressive and hostile. This explains the constant growling and incessant hissing.
Most domesticated cats pick up certain habits like they eat from their bowls or pee in the designated areas. This is because the discipline is instilled in them as they are growing up. Tabitha knows her meal times and knows her toilet area. These are habits that have been cultivated as she has been growing up. Animals are intelligent they even read the mood of the humans and know when to play and when to stay out of sight and cats are especially sensitive. They will hide when they mess up and will give a person space if they sense there is tension.
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